(click map to enlarge)

Downtown Development TAX Credit

Woodbury is honored to be a member of the 2021 cohort of Downtown Development Designated communities. Each Downtown Development designation lasts for five years, and activities began on Jan. 1, 2021.

1. Job Tax Credit, which offers $2,000 per new full-time equivalent job created

2. Investment Credit, which is equivalent to 25% of the purchase price of the building

3. Rehabilitation Credit, which is equivalent to 30% of qualified rehabilitation costs.

Each of the three tax credits is dependent upon the creation of at least two new full-time equivalent jobs. General criteria for designation include communities with a population of less than 15,000; a core downtown area with structures older than 50 years; evidence of blight or disinvestment in the downtown area; implementation of a strategic plan in the downtown area; and a completed market analysis, which indicates gaps within the local business makeup.

Façade Grant Program

What is the purpose of this program? The Woodbury Development Authority (WDA) developed this program to partner with downtown property owners in order to enhance and maintain the beauty and charm of the downtown area. How does this program work? Matching grant funds are available up to $1,500 and not to exceed 50 percent of the total project for façade improvements in the downtown district. The downtown district is outlined in the Woodbury Downtown Development map.

What type of project is eligible?

Eligible projects will visibly improve the unique historic character of the storefront. Examples include but are not limited to appropriate signage; awnings; exterior painting; and window, door, and storefront feature restoration. These funds are available for exterior improvements only and may be applied to a front, side or rear facade, provided the facade faces a public street or parking area. The WDA must approve projects before construction begins. The WDA reserves the right to reject any proposal.

Are there any restrictions?

Because limited funds are available, the WDA reserves the right to reject any project that it determines inappropriate or does little to achieve the purpose of this program. Properties with existing violations of zoning or sign ordinances are not eligible. Properties with past-due City taxes are also not eligible for this program.

What must I do to receive the grant?

• Determine if the project will require a building permit or any other permit and obtain the necessary permits.

• Complete a facade grant application and If you are a tenant, include a letter of permission from the property owner.

• The Development Authority will review the facade grant application and notify you of their decision.

• Start and complete facade improvement work within 60 days of approval of your application.

• After the completion of facade improvement work, turn in all appropriate receipts, invoices and canceled checks.

• The WoodburyDevelopment Authority will review these items and the completed project and then will disburse grant money.

Broadband Internet

Broadband internet is available throughout Woodbury thru AT&T Fiber Optic.

Available 2-3 Phase Power

Our power is brought to us by GA Power. Their team of engineers can help develop any power needs you may require.